
Notas sobre la reacción de los órganos jurisdiccionales de América Latina al arbitraje con participación de entidades estatales

Abstract: In the study of the reaction of Latin-American courts to arbitration proceedings involving state entities one should bear in mind two important issues: the global resistance of national courts to arbitration and the traditional local hostility towards international commercial arbitration. Advances in the subject are, however, undeniable, as demonstrate the growing importance of arbitration in Latin-America, the evolution of domestic legislation, as well as the adoption of international conventions. It is though still difficult to define a tendency for all the region's countries, as courts in places as Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay have already ruled in favor of the participation of state entities in proceedings, while in others, like Brazil, Colombia and Peru, courts have been more cautious with the issue. Nevertheless, some common traces have already been identified: the conscience that arbitration provides, almost always, for faster solution, and the relation between modern statutory rules and a more favorable reception of arbitration. Now, all those who are interested in the subject should try to present arbitration in Latin-America not only as a simple vehicle for reducing the charge of state courts, but also as an efficient and complementary mechanism for the achievement of the purpose of making law to prevail.

  • Notas sobre la reacción de los órganos jurisdiccionales de América Latina al arbitraje con participación de entidades estatales
  • Notas sobre la reacción de los órganos jurisdiccionales de América Latina al arbitraje con participación de entidades estatales


RANZOLIN, Ricardo (org.). Arbipedia. Comentários à Lei Brasileira de Arbitragem. Arbipedia, Porto Alegre, 2024.
Acesso em: 20-04-2024. Disponível em:

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